Did MESSY Meeka Owens Lie About Her Employment?
Earlier this week, The Cincinnati Black Blog -- working on multiple troubling tips of suspicious and possibly corrupt activity at Cincinnati City Hall -- announced our investigation of Councilman EVAN NOLAN. We seek to determine if Evan offered a bribe to MEEKA OWENS. We want to know if Evan bought his seat on Cincinnati City Council?
It probably wouldn't make sense for Evan to offer a bribe to Meeka (known on this blog as MESSY MEEKA) if she weren't open to accepting it. So, we have focused part of our investigation on Meeka's finances to see if she is, indeed, susceptible to a bribe. What follows is just a little bit of what we've found thus far.
Every member of Cincinnati City Council is required by law to file a yearly Financial Disclosure Statement with the Ohio Ethics Commission. According to the form, knowingly filing a false statement is a criminal misdemeanor of the first degree, in violation of Sections 102.02(D) and 2921.13(A)(7) of the Revised Code, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, imprisonment of not more than six months, or both.
We contacted the Ethics Commission and requested copies of Messy Meeka's financial statements. ERIC BRUCE provided us with Messy Meeka's financial statements from 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.
On each financial statement, Messy Meeka swore (or affirmed) that she has two sources of income that she was required to list.
1) Messy Meeka says she is an "independent member" of MELALEUCA -- a multi-level marketing company that holds itself out as "The Wellness Company." It's basically a bootleg AMWAY that hawks everything from supplements to face makeup.
2) Messy Meeka also says she is a "Social Responsibility Officer" for an unnamed employer.
We did a deep dive into that second source of income and came up with more questions.
Messy Meeka didn't list the name of the employer for whom she provides services as a Social Responsibility Officer.
We found a media article from The Cincinnati Enquirer dated January 4, 2022 in which SHARON COOLIDGE said Messy Meeka "works on contract as a Social Responsibility Officer with the Hamilton County Board of Health." [Our longtime readers know that we have very little respect for the lazy, local, white, corporate media. That said, they are useful from time-to-time.]
We contacted the Hamilton County Board of Health (their official name is Hamilton County Public Health), and asked to be provided with all public records they have on Messy Meeka. We communicated directly with Health Commissioner GREG KESTERMAN and several others. Earlier today -- after two full business days of searching their records -- Customer Service Supervisor and FOI Coordinator DENISE COMEAU informed us that Meeka Dannielle Owens has not been employed by Hamilton County Public Health nor has she entered into any contract with the agency. That's strange.
Do Sharon Coolidge and her editors stand by the report they published on Messy Meeka? We will ask them and report back to you. [*** Update. We heard back from The Enquirer. They stand by their reporting but are open to receiving/reviewing new information. They acknowledge that Messy Meeka's contract may not have been run through Hamilton County Public Health but are sure she did the work.]
In the meantime, we will keep working on the more important issue and won't stop until we can report with certainty what Messy Meeka's sources of income are. We have already asked the Ohio Ethics Commission's General Counsel, JAMES HOOD, to investigate the situation.
We understand that many of you, our faithful readers, have kind hearts. You would never support us, or anyone else, picking on or bullying Messy Meeka or anyone else. That's definitely not happening here. We trust that you understand that our dive into Messy Meeka's finances isn't personal. We are using this platform to find out Messy Meeka's sources of income because we need to know that information if we are going to complete our thorough investigation of Evan Nolan and City Hall.
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