1. Did MESSY Meeka Owens Lie About Her Employment?

    Earlier this week, The Cincinnati Black Blog -- working on multiple troubling tips of suspicious and possibly corrupt activity at Cincinnati City Hall -- announced our investigation of Councilman EVAN NOLAN. We seek to determine if Evan offered a bribe to MEEKA OWENS. We want to know if Evan bought his seat on Cincinnati City Council?

    It probably wouldn't make sense for Evan to offer a bribe to Meeka (known on this blog as MESSY MEEKA) if she weren't open to accepting it. So, we have focused part of our investigation on Meeka's finances to see if she is, indeed, susceptible to a bribe. What follows is just a little bit of what we've found thus far.

    Every member of Cincinnati City Council is required by law to file a yearly Financial Disclosure Statement with the Ohio Ethics Commission. According to the form, knowingly filing a false statement is a criminal misdemeanor of the first degree, in violation of Sections 102.02(D) and 2921.13(A)(7) of the Revised Code, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, imprisonment of not more than six months, or both.

    We contacted the Ethics Commission and requested copies of Messy Meeka's financial statements.  ERIC BRUCE provided us with Messy Meeka's financial statements from 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

    On each financial statement, Messy Meeka swore (or affirmed) that she has two sources of income that she was required to list.

    1) Messy Meeka says she is an "independent member" of MELALEUCA -- a multi-level marketing company that holds itself out as "The Wellness Company." It's basically a bootleg AMWAY that hawks everything from supplements to face makeup.

    2) Messy Meeka also says she is a "Social Responsibility Officer" for an unnamed employer.

    We did a deep dive into that second source of income and came up with more questions.

    Messy Meeka didn't list the name of the employer for whom she provides services as a Social Responsibility Officer.

    We found a media article from The Cincinnati Enquirer dated January 4, 2022 in which SHARON COOLIDGE said Messy Meeka "works on contract as a Social Responsibility Officer with the Hamilton County Board of Health." [Our longtime readers know that we have very little respect for the lazy, local, white, corporate media. That said, they are useful from time-to-time.]

    We contacted the Hamilton County Board of Health (their official name is Hamilton County Public Health), and asked to be provided with all public records they have on Messy Meeka. We communicated directly with Health Commissioner GREG KESTERMAN and several others. Earlier today -- after two full business days of searching their records -- Customer Service Supervisor and FOI Coordinator DENISE COMEAU informed us that Meeka Dannielle Owens has not been employed by Hamilton County Public Health nor has she entered into any contract with the agency. That's strange.

    Do Sharon Coolidge and her editors stand by the report they published on Messy Meeka? We will ask them and report back to you. [*** Update. We heard back from The Enquirer. They stand by their reporting but are open to receiving/reviewing new information. They acknowledge that Messy Meeka's contract may not have been run through Hamilton County Public Health but are sure she did the work.]  

    In the meantime, we will keep working on the more important issue and won't stop until we can report with certainty what Messy Meeka's sources of income are. We have already asked the Ohio Ethics Commission's General Counsel, JAMES HOOD, to investigate the situation.

    We understand that many of you, our faithful readers, have kind hearts. You would never support us, or anyone else, picking on or bullying Messy Meeka or anyone else. That's definitely not happening here. We trust that you understand that our dive into Messy Meeka's finances isn't personal. We are using this platform to find out Messy Meeka's sources of income because we need to know that information if we are going to complete our thorough investigation of Evan Nolan and City Hall.

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  2. Did Evan Nolan BRIBE Meeka Owens?

    Mayor Aftab Pureval hugging Evan Nolan. Did Pure Evil embrace Evan offering Meeka a bribe?

    The Cincinnati Black Blog is back up and running. We had to start out with a bang!!!

    You, our faithful readers, have a right to know if EVAN NOLAN bribed MEEKA OWENS. Somebody has to determine if Evan Thomas Nolan bought his seat on Cincinnati City Council.

    You deserve to know if the bad old days of BOSS COX-style corruption have returned to Cincinnati City Hall.

    When REGGIE HARRIS resigned from Council, Section 4b of the city's Charter* kicked in.  That section of the Charter says: "Before taking the oath of office each member-elect of council shall file with the council a successor designation certificate certifying the name of one or more fellow members of council to select a successor if his or her office as member of council becomes vacant for any reason."

    Reggie Harris designated Meeka Dannielle Owens (known on this blog and in the mean streets as Messy Meeka) to select his successor. (We will update this blog entry with an actual copy of Reggie's successor designation certificate.)

    No municipal charter can override state law. Ohio's Sunshine Laws -- The Open Meetings Act and Public Records Act -- still applied.

    [Messy Meeka made a mess of everything. She completely ignored and violated the Open Meetings Act.  While that's not the focus of this blog entry, we believe the subject deserves a brief discussion here. Picking Reggie's successor was an official duty. It required official actions and deliberations. Had Reggie designated all nine members of Council to choose his successor, they would have been required to take all official actions and/or conduct all deliberations upon their official business in open.  Just because Messy Meeka was the single person empowered to choose Reggie's successor, this in no way gave her legal authority to take any official actions in private or to conduct deliberations on the successor in closed-door secret meetings that are not open to the public.]

    The Cincinnati Black Blog understood that the Public Records Act applied to Messy Meeka's secret deliberations on picking Reggie's successor, so we asked the city of Cincinnati to provide us with all related public records.  The city provided us with a bundle of records, including emails and something Meeka called "Meeka's Personal Notes."

    Two lines in Meeka's "Personal Note" on Evan caught our attention. "Evan also has a vision that relates to good government and growth." And, "He expressed a desire to fundraise and not just for himself but for others too, such as myself and the Party."

    You might say, what's wrong with Evan Nolan, during an interview (we can't be 100% sure that Evan made the offer during his secret meeting with Meeka ... it could have come at some other time during the selection process) where he is trying to convince Meeka to give him something of value -- a $65,000 a year job and partial control over a huge municipal budget -- offering to fundraise for Meeka and the Democratic Party (if you reason that's the Party he meant).

    The answer is, based on our understanding of the fact and our reading of the law we believe EVAN'S OFFER OR PROMISE TO FUNDRAISE FOR MEEKA IS NOTHING SHORT OF AN ILLEGAL BRIBE!!!

    Ohio Law (Ohio Revised Code 2921.02) defines bribery. Here's a link the law. In basic terms, bribery is when anyone promises, offers, or gives ANY valuable thing or valuable benefit to a public servant to influence the public servant with respect to the discharge of their duty.

    * We've already established above that Meeka was a public servant at all times mentioned above.

    * Meeka confessed in her "Personal Note" on Evan that he offered/promised to fundraise for her and the Democratic Party.

    * No one can argue with a straight face that raising funds isn't a valuable thing and a valuable benefit.

    * Evan obviously made the offer/promise to fundraise for Meeka and the Democratic Party because he wanted to influence her decision on picking a successor to Reggie (we've established that that was an official duty).

    We vow to investigate these accusations and share our findings with you. We have never told you what to think. We have always shared information and trusted you to make up your own minds.

    In the coming days.... we'll keep you updated on our investigation. We'll also tell you what actions, if any, have been taken by local, state, and federal officials.

    Thanks for reading The Cincinnati Black Blog.

    * The Charter of Cincinnati is equivalent to the city's constitution.

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  3. The Cincinnati Black Blog Is Coming Back!!!


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  4. Tracy Lawrence Gragston Jr.
    For political reasons, Cincinnati's "mainstream" white media outlets have refused to cover Cincinnati Vice Mayor CHRISTOPHER SMITHERMAN's Top Dirty Trickster -- Black Community Terrorist TRACY LAWRENCE GRAGSTON JR (aka Guilty Gragston).

    You, our faithful readers, know that The Cincinnati Black Blog has stood virtually alone in warning Black people in Cincinnati and Lansing, Michigan that this crazed madman was on the loose.

    Here are links to just a few of our news reports on Guilty Gragston (please visit our Facebook page for even more news reports):

    1. Exclusive: More Evidence of Voter Fraud In Cincy Mayoral Election

    2. Did Cincy's Crooked Mayor Cranley Have Black Whistleblower Demetrius Hill Thrown In Jail?

    3. EXCLUSIVE: Dem Party Boss Wants Dirty Deters To Shield Crooked Cranley From Voter Fraud Inquiry

    4. Guilty Gragston

    5. Did Crooked Cranley's Cronies Engage In VOTER FRAUD???

    Now, as they say, the shit has hit the fan and the white media can't ignore this maniac!

    Guilty Gragston appears to have gotten himself liquored up before going to turn himself in to law enforcement where he was wanted on several long-standing capias arrest warrants.

    Here's how Fox 19 describes what happened next:
    CINCINNATI, Ohio (FOX19) - One man was charged Monday with vandalism and assault on a police officer after he turned himself in at the Hamilton County Justice Center.
    Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil says 38-year-old Tracy Gragston was wanted on an outstanding domestic violence warrant from Butler County and a probation violation.
    Gragston entered the lobby at the justice center at 12:30 a.m. and got upset while waiting for assistance, says Neil.
    He began hitting doors and windows with a trash can and a metal top broken from a cart.
    Gragston damaged 12 glass door panels, two bulletin boards, a wall-mounted computer screen and 5/3rd ATM screen before he was arrested by sheriff’s deputies, says Neil.
    Neil says while he was being booked, Gragston also assaulted a deputy. 
    Earlier today, Gragston was assigned a public defender. A Hamilton County Municipal Court judge set Gragston's bond at Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00). He must pay cash and cannot pay  ten percent (10%).

    The Cincinnati Black Blog will follow this story and keep you updated.

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  5. The Toledo Black Blog is investigating the Toledo Police Division.  We plan to publish a series of reports detailing our findings.

    We believe the public has a right to know the following information.

    1. How many Toledo cops have criminal records?
    2. How many cops with drinking and driving charges/convictions are authorized to drive city vehicles?

    Immediately after announcing our intention to investigate TPD, and expressing our opinion that Toledo Police Chief GEORGE KRAL should be fired, this news blog came under attack from retired Toledo Police Sergeant SHARON JEFFRIES (formerly known as SHARON COOK).

    Sgt. Jeffries' vicious attacks piqued our suspicion, so we pulled her personnel file.

    We were SHOCKED to learn that Sgt. Jeffries was allowed to remain on the police force after doing all of these horrible things. (These are just a few of the things we found in her personnel file.)

    * She used her TPD-issued gun to SHOOT and KILL PUPPIES. Frightened community residents told Jeffries' supervisors that after she murdered the puppies, she loudly laughed about what she had done, and she launched into a profane tirade!

    * She was given a temporary plainclothes assignment with the Lucas County Sheriff's Department. She carelessly lost her TPD badge, TPD identification card, and the identification card issued to her by the Sheriff's Department.  Sgt. Jeffries' actions jeopardized the undercover investigation and put the lives of law enforcement officers at risk.

    * Michigan State Police stopped Sgt. Jeffries for a traffic violation. They gave her a Breathalyzer test. She blew a 0.24% That's THREE TIMES the legal limit (0.08%)!!!

    We aren't exaggerating when we state: SGT. JEFFRIES COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE!

    According to this website:
    "In the state of Michigan, those who operate a motor vehicle on public roadways and are found to have a BAC (blood alcohol content) of 0.17% or higher may be charged with a Super Drunk OWI (Operating a vehicle While Intoxicated) offense. If convicted, you will face harsh punishment, including enhanced penalties even for a first-time offender."
    Super Drunk Sgt. Jeffries was allowed to continue operating TPD vehicles (paid for by taxpayers like you our faithful readers). She had at least one car crash. Was she drunk? Was she super drunk? Was she tested for alcohol and/or drugs? Or did TPD look the other way so that a bad cop could remain on the police force until retirement?

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  6. The Cincinnati Black Blog accepts submissions. We've done this for years. Today, we bring you a short, troubling statement from our dear young brother and City Hall insider, DEMETRIUS HILL.

    "Now let’s play a game called guess which council-member is being blackmailed to change there vote on firing Harry Blacks? But what do they have on this council member that would make him change his vote. 

    1. They have a record call of this council member on the city phone saying the city manager black ass has to go we have to get rid of his black ass.

    2. There is a council member accused of taking advantage of 3 women and they are not his wife."

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  7. The Cincinnati Black Blog has a long tradition of publishing guest opinion columns.

    Today, we hope you enjoy this piece from THOMAS SUDDES (Twitter: @ThomasSuddes) an adjunct assistant professor at Ohio University.
    Here's more evidence that public utilities, with the help of the General Assembly, call the shots at Ohio's Statehouse:
    The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio ordered FirstEnergy Corp., the giant utility based in Akron, to give its customers a $43.4 million refund.  Naturally, FirstEnergy (the Illuminating, Ohio Edison and Toledo Edison companies) appealed.
    And the Ohio Supreme Court ruled last week that FirstEnergy can keep the money because, in so many words, Ohio law and earlier state Supreme Court decisions say it can.  It's as if the Internal Revenue Service owes you an income tax refund, refuses to pay it, and federal courts and Congress say that's OK.
    It's actually WORSE than the example Mr. Suddes used.

    It's as if you took your tax return to H&R Block, the IRS approved your income tax refund, H&R Block refuses to pay it, and federal courts and Congress say that's OK but only AFTER H&R BLOCK GAVE THE JUDGES AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS LOTS OF MONEY.

    Check this out.
    Five of the six Ohio Supreme Court justices who ruled that FirstEnergy does not have to refund $43.4 million to customers have received campaign contributions from FirstEnergy.
    The Ohio Supreme Court's January 24, 2018 decision came more than four years after FirstEnergy appealed a 2013 order from the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) that required the utility to refund to customers millions of dollars it overpaid for Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) within 60 days.
    The Ohio Consumers' Counsel (OCC) and Environmental Law and Police Center (ELPC) have already asked the court to reconsider its decision in the FirstEnergy case.
    I looked the case up. The Ohio Supreme Court ordered

    Back to Mr. Suddes:
    Writing the Supreme Court's lead opinion, Democratic Justice William O'Neill, who left the court Saturday so he may continue running for governor, said he and the other justices who sided with FirstEnergy recognize "that the no-refund rule has been perceived as unfair and has even sometimes resulted in a windfall for a utility," as it was in a 2014 decision.
    In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled that Columbus Southern Power Co. (a unit of Columbus-based American Electric Power) didn't have to make a $368 million refund to customers.  Reason? A 1957 Supreme Court decision that was anchored to an Ohio rate-making law that appears to still be in effect. 
    * * *
    O'Neill cited the 2014 case last week as a reason why FirstEnergy is entitled to duck refunds.  About no-refund law, he said this: "It is a matter for the General Assembly to remedy, not this court."
    As it happens, a remedy is pending in the Ohio House's Public Utilities Committee, House Bill 247. 
    This election year, voters should ask Ohio General Assembly candidates where they stand on Romanchuk's bill.

    Here are your Cincinnati and Hamilton County members of the General Assembly and candidates.

    SENATE DISTRICT 7 (All of Warren County, parts of Butler County, far east side of Cincinnati all the way up I-71 to Waynesville.)

    SENATE DISTRICT 8 (Western Hamilton County)

    SENATE DISTRICT 9 (Cincinnati, Madeira, Mt. Healthy, North College Hill, Norwood, Wyoming)

    • Cecil Thomas. (Don't waste your time contacting him at his office. He won't respond.)
    • Dale Mallory. (Unlike Cecil Thomas, Mr. Mallory respects voters and responds to the public.)
    • Tom Chandler. (Republican write-in candidate.)
    STATE REP 27
    STATE REP 28
    STATE REP 29
    • Lou Blessing III. (Republican Incumbent. Thanks to weak Democrats, he is running UNOPPOSED.)
    STATE REP 30
    STATE REP 31
    STATE REP 32
    STATE REP 33

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  8. Jeff Berding with Chris Smitherman
    The Cincinnati Black Blog has been around for a long time.  We were here fighting for justice in 1995 when Illegal Lobbyist JEFF BERDING tricked the Cincinnati NAACP, Baptist Ministers Conference of Cincinnati and Vicinity, Cincinnati Building Trades, Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio, The African-American Chamber of Greater Cincinnati-Northern..., and others into supporting a terrible deal that set a 15 percent minority inclusion goal for work done on new stadiums for the Cincinnati Bengals and Cincinnati Reds.

    We are here today, and we are still WARNING Black Cincinnati about bad deals being pushed by Berding. The deal being pushed by Berding and 3 Billionaires -- CARL H. LINDNER III, SCOTT FARMER, and GEORGE JOSEPH -- is actually WORSE THAN the 1995 deal. (Pushing this deal from behind the scenes are CHARLIE LUKEN from the Greater Cincinnati Redevelopment Authority; Cincinnati Mayor JOHN CRANLEY, aka Crooked Crybaby Johnboy Cranley; and CHRIS SMITHERMAN aka The Sillyman. The Sillyman supports this project because it will financially benefit his family's construction company. The deal gives him another chance to misuse his Council vote to put money in his pockets.)

    Go back in time with us to 1985. The city of Cincinnati got together with Hamilton County and made a supposedly LEGALLY BINDING agreement. Black people are running around Cincinnati, acting like a bunch of trained parrots, squawking about how the West End will have a LEGALLY BINDING agreement with Berding and the Billionaires. They tricked Black people back in 1995 into saying the same thing.

    We believe in bringing you facts and letting you make up your own minds. So we want to quote, word for word, what they promised in 1995.

    But first, we want to remind you that VIRTUALLY NONE OF THE PROMISES WERE HONORED.

    When you read the deal, ask yourselves these questions.



    * Did "minorities" get the promised 15%? [The answer is NO.]

    * If minorities did NOT get the promised 15%, how much did they get? [About 10-11%.]

    * How much did Black workers and contractors get? [We are working to get this answer.]

    * Let's say you believe that a 15% goal was good in 1995. Who among you, our faithful readers, believes that Black people should be satisfied with a 15% goal ($32 million) for the Soccer Playground, considering that 23 years later the Black population percentage has increased? (We are working to determine if the percentage of Blacks within the crafts has increased.)

    * How is any self-respecting Black person cheering for a deal that's WORSE than the bad deal Black people got in 1995?!

    This is from the 1995 deal:

    "G. The Board of County Commissioners shall aggressively seek to include small businesses, minority business enterprises, and women business enterprises in activities including, without limitation, the planning, design, demolition, site preparation, and construction for the new or renovated stadium facilities. IT IS THE GOAL OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO CONTRACT AT LEAST FIFTEEN PERCENT OF THESE ACTIVITIES TO MINORITY AND WOMEN OWNED FIRMS. This goal will exceed those required by similar state programs and will be accomplished by, among other things, creating a County office dedicated to assisting minority business enterprises, women's enterprises, and other small businesses and utilizing techniques similar to those utilized by the County in the renovation of the Alms and Doepke Building.

    K. The County shall, in conjunction with the Cincinnati Branch of the NAACP and the Baptist Ministers Conference of Greater Cincinnati & Vicinity, work with the Greater Cincinnati Building Trades Council to increase the African American representation in the construction /building trades work force in Hamilton County to at least 15%.

    Hamilton County will require contractors to maintain records verifying the degree to which women and minority group members will be employed on stadium projects. It is expected that women and minority group members will be employed for no less than the number of hours proportionally equal to their representation among Hamilton County residents within the crafts. The most recent census data available will be used to establish that ratio.

    Hamilton County will work cooperatively with the said Cincinnati Branch of the NAACP and the Baptist Ministers Conference of Greater Cincinnati & Vicinity through existing training and apprenticeship programs of the greater Cincinnati Building Trades Council to reach the objectives stated in this agreement. In addition, Hamilton County will also work cooperatively with other similar apprenticeship programs to reach such objectives.

    'Construction/Building Trades' are defined as Construction Trades (553-559) and Precision Production Occupations (628-693) recorded in the 1990 Census EEO File for Hamilton County. Availability data will be taken from that document and any subsequent census data as it is reported."

    As always, you don't have to take our words for anything you read in The Cincinnati Black Blog. Here's a link to a copy of the 1995 deal.


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  9. The Cincinnati Black Blog has received new, damaging evidence that shows Rookie Cincinnati Councilman JEFF PASTOR's paid campaign manager, TRACY LAWRENCE GRAGSTON JR. (aka Guilty Gragston), engaged in Voter Fraud / Election Falsification by voting in Cincinnati's 2017 mayoral - council election after cancelling his Ohio voter registration and registering to vote in Michigan.

    Earlier today, Hamilton County Board of Elections Director SHERRY POLAND sent an email to our founder and publisher NATHANIEL LIVINGSTON JR. The email states, in relevant part:
    "The last registration form filed in Hamilton County (by Guilty Gragston) was dated April 2, 2011."
    Last week, we published official records from Michigan election officials showing Guilty Gragston registered to vote in Michigan and cancelled his Ohio voter registration on 02/09/2016.

    When registering to vote in Michigan, Guilty Gragston acknowledged the following statement under penalty of perjury:
    "I am a citizen of the United States. I am a resident of the State of Michigan and will be at least a 30 day resident of my city or township by election day. I will be 18 years of age by election day. I authorize cancellation of any previous registration. The information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury. If I have provided false information, I may be subject to a fine or imprisonment or both under Federal or State laws."
    Guilty Gragston registered to vote in Michigan and actually voted in several Michigan elections. By registering to vote in Michigan, Guilty Gragston cancelled his previous voter registration in Ohio. Guilty Gragston failed to register to vote in Ohio prior to the 2017 election but he voted in the election anyway.

    Ohio and Michigan officials are investigating Guilty Gragston's actions to determine if he violated any federal and/or state laws.

    Guilty Gragston has spent years operating as a henchman and dirty trickster for Cincinnati Mayor JOHN(BOY) CRANLEY (aka Crooked Crybaby Cranley) and COUNCILMAN CHRIS SMITHERMAN (aka The Sillyman). Unfortunately, because of his connections to crooked politicians, the investigation into Guilty Gragston in Ohio has become tainted by Board of Elections members -- Democratic Party Boss TIMOTHY BURKE, Burke's flunky CALEB FAUX, CHARLES "CHIP" GERHARDT III, and GOP Party Boss ALEX TRIANTAFILOU (pronounced "Trying To Fool You").

    Our sincere hope is that the party bosses will stop interfering with the investigation  of Guilty Gragston in Ohio, and Board of Elections employees will be allowed to pursue the truth.   Guilty Gragston must be brought to justice!

    You, our faithful readers, should know that we all have ways of making government employees perform their lawful duties. We don't want to get into a fight with election officials in Ohio. But we will if they force us to do so.

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  10. [FULL DISCLOSURE: Almost everyone affiliated with The Cincinnati Black Blog knows DEMETRIUS HILL. Most of us have known him for years. Demetrius is a great guy. One of the reasons we like Demetrius is because he's what people in the streets refer to as a "Guerilla Political Activist" (not in a H&M kind of way) -- which means he fights and advocates ferociously for his favored candidates/issues. That's what we do here so we relate.]

    Normally we wouldn't highlight a negative story from Cincinnati's leading, lazy, local, white racist newspaper The Cincinnati Enquirer targeting someone we like, but THERE'S MORE TO THE STORY THAT NEEDS TO BE TOLD.

    1. What Does Charlie Winburn Have To Do With The Story?

    The name "Winburn" appears in the Enquirer's story TWELVE TIMES -- including once in the lead paragraph BEFORE THE NAME DEMETRIUS HILL. The word "Hill" appears fifteen times.

    Is the focus on Demetrius or FORMER Councilman Winburn?

    2. If Demetrius Hills' Arrests And Court Cases Are Newsworthy Why Aren't Tracy Gragston's?

    We see what The Enquirer tried to do with the story. They attempted to tie Demetrius Hill to Uncle Charlie Winburn and damage Winburn's good name and reputation in the process. (OK. We are in a compassionate mood. We know some of you regard Winburn as more of a Mistah Charlie than an Uncle Charlie.)

    Compare and contrast The Enquirer's treatment of Demetrius and Winburn with Rookie Cincinnati Councilman JEFF PASTOR and his campaign manager, Convicted Felon TRACY LAWRENCE GRAGSTON JR. ("Guilty Gragston".)

    The Enquirer reported on crimes allegedly committed by Demetrius between 2009 and December 2016. That, by itself, might be fair.

    The Cincinnati Black Blog has exclusively reported that during the same period of time Guilty Gragston was arrested, indicted, and imprisoned for everything from strangling and brutalizing his ex-wife to hospitalizing a white female cop to driving recklessly under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol to committing voter/election fraud.

    The Enquirer reports Demetrius "has an open theft case stemming from December 2016, when police said he wrote bad checks to obtain just over $700 at Main Source Bank in Green Township."

    According to records we found on the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts website, Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge DWANE MALLORY found Gragston guilty of Operating a Vehicle under the Influence (OVI) of drugs and/or alcohol on December 1, 2017 -- just days after his employer, Mr. Pastor, was elected to Council. (Gragston was also convicted of failure to maintain an assured clear distance in violation of Norwood law.)  Judge Mallory sentenced Gragston to 180 days in jail, made him actually spend one day in jail, and apparently forced him to remain in a locked driver's intervention program for 5 days.

    The Enquirer reports that Demetrius' next court hearing is January 25. They don't inform their readers of Gragston's next court hearing on January 23.

    Gragston is charged in case no. 17/CRB/13404 with obstructing official business.  In case no. 17/TRC/19195 he is charged with another OVI, Reckless Driving and a seatbeat violation.

    3. Have Corrupt Politicians Used The Criminal Justice System And Their Media Mouthpiece To Punish & Silence Demetrius Because He Knew Too Much And Threatened To Blow The Whistle To The Feds? Where Is The FBI/DOJ?

    Before we wrote this story, we talked to several sources who spoke directly with Demetrius and others during the 2017 campaign. They tell us Demetrius was afraid of being targeted for destruction by powerful political forces, including Democratic Mayor JOHN CRANLEY ("Crooked Crybaby Cranley") and Republican Councilwoman AMY MURRAY (who, until earlier this week, was Congressman JIM RENNACI's pick for lieutenant governor).

    Demetrius appears to have spent the last few months telling friends and allies during private conversations, and people reading his social media accounts, that he had dirt on Crooked Cranley, Ms. Murray and other high-profile politicians and public figures.

    On October 20, 2017, Demetrius wrote this on Facebook:
    "It appears that Mayor John Cranley has sent Mr. James Pilcher from the Cincinnati Enquirer to investigate my family because they gave legitimate contributions to Yvette Simpson's campaign for Mayor almost a year ago. This is how Mayor John Cranley executes tyranny and oppressive city lgovernment (sic) rule on African American families."
    Later, Demetrius wrote:
    "Mr. Pilcher, while you are doing criminal background checks on donors who have given to Ms. Simpson's campaign, please do the same on Mayor Cranley's donors, such as Ex-Felon Dick Wieland and most recently Mr. Doug Evans who was indicted on federal charges, which was a story that you covered. Finally, you should look at the Chavez family, where also Mayor Cranley's campaign received contributions from donors who were only 18 years old. Did someone give them that money to give to Mayor John Cranley's campaign?"
    On December 1, 2017, Demetrius wrote on Facebook:
    "I hear (Chris) Smitherman has information on some council member or council members (sic) staff who has been sexually harassing people at city hall. I wonder who it is I know several staff members who have been having sex in there (sic) office. I wonder is that what Smitherman is talking about".
    On September 22, 2017, Demetrius wrote on Facebook:
    "Good morning everyone now let's play a game this morning it's called guess the person.
    1. Guess which current cincinnati (sic) city council member is currently sleeping with the mayor and they both are married. Oh and I have the picture from my private investigator too.
    2. Guess which council member staffer call (sic) another council members (sic) staffer a nigger.
    3. Guess which council member staffer was trying to have black men come over to her house in Kentucky to have sexual relations. Oh I have all the screenshots too.
    By the way all of this is from one council members office. Now if this person wants to call me a apologizing or I dropping all the tea."
    Let's focus on the last of Demetrius' accusations. He said, several times, that politicians and/or their staffers engaged in sexual activities at Cincinnati City Hall. He said he had evidence to show a married female member of Council had an extramarital affair. He insinuated that Crooked Cranley cheated at least once on his wife -- Millionaire Gold Star Chili Heiress DENA CRANLEY.

    Our sources tell us Demetrius showed them evidence implicating powerful political figures in all sorts of illegal activities, including interstate sex-for-hire rings.

    Demetrius threatened to expose powerful people, including a mayor and candidate for lieutenant governor. It's not outside the realm of possibility to believe that Demetrius threatened to take his information to the FBI and/or U.S. Department of Justice and the politicians decided to have him put away.

    The arrest, incarceration, and prosecution of Demetrius Hill seems to be political in nature. His "political father" Mistah Charlie Winburn has admitted on Soul 101.5 radio station that he regrets being a political "coward" during his years on Council. He seems to have abandoned Demetrius Hill when he's needed most. The Cincinnati Black Blog stands for truth and justice.

    We say FREE DEMETRIUS HILL, at least until we can sort this mess out.

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